FREE Copy of "Be Careful, Little Eyes"

Discover how to help your little ones navigate the dangers lurking online. Get Your FREE Copy Here. (*Just Pay S+H)



PornFreeCO is giving away copies of the new book, “Be Careful, Little Eyes” so parents and trusted adults can protect little ones from the dangers lurking online through predators, pedophiles, and pornography. This gentle conversation guides 4-7-year-olds about the dangers as young children are being exposed to pornography at an earlier age. Trusted adults can understand the dangers lurking on smartphones, gaming, tablets, computers, and in print.

No longer hidden away, pornography is readily accessible, affordable, anonymous, abusive, and addictive to all ages. In your home, at daycare, on a playdate, and even at church, it only takes a second for a child to be lured into the Pandora’s box of porn. Even with safeguards and filters in place, trusted adults can help young ones to know what to do when they see pornography. In this beautifully illustrated book with helpful discussion questions and tools, children can develop internal filters from the dangers lurking online through predators, pedophiles, and pornography.

*“Be Careful, Little Eyes” retails for $17, but we bought it for YOU! We just ask that you pay your shipping/handling of only $10.97 US. (Shipping varies for bulk orders).

**Please contact for bulk international orders or see our Online Shop for content licensing.

 ***10% Of Proceeds Are Donated To Organizations That Combat Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking.

Scammers of Our Sexuality!

I wrote "Be Careful, Little Eyes" because porn hijacked my sexual script when I was ONLY 8 years old. That opened the door for a lifetime of sexual exploitation and violence that almost ended in my death.

Instead of being defeated, I was inspired to take a journey toward self discovery and healing to find the secrets of protecting kids just like me. Through 20+ years of professional education and experience in child development, family life education, human relations, and violence prevention: I discovered the answers!

I created PornFreeCO to empower parents as the #1 weapon to

protect their little ones from the dangers lurking online.

AND...I'm giving away 2020 FREE copies of the book so parents and trusted adults of 4-7-year-olds can see clearly as the #1 weapon in the arsenal to protect our kids from predators, pedophiles, and porn!

You've Got This Dads - Moms - And Trusted Adults!

Learn PFC’s Triple S Plan

Teach Little Ones To Develop Their Internal Filter From Dangers Lurking Online


“KP has put together something that can inoculate our children from when porn happens. It's practical and can help parents have a tool to help children overcome pornography way before it becomes a problem.”

American Association for Sex Addiction Therapy President, Douglas Weiss PhD


Wisdom From A Dad Just Like You…

“As Internet access grows and expands, it increases the chances that children can be exposed to pornography. A small child can stumble across sexually explicit material with nearly any device, exposing them to violent and warped representations of sexual activity during a critical juncture in the child’s development.

Parents need to inform their kids that this danger exists, and inform them of what they can do – and whom they can talk to – if they ever encounter pornography online. But it is a difficult topic to broach, and uncomfortable to talk about. How do you do it? Author KP Lovejoy has written a book that can help. “Be Careful, Little Eyes” is a guide parents can use to have a necessary discussion about one of the darker aspects of the information age. Lovejoy uses tasteful language and action items to gently walk parents through the process, and manages to sprinkle positive messages throughout the book.”

Amazon Verified Purchase Review, 2020


“The facts are astonishing. The average age kids are exposed to hardcore, violent pornography is 11. Some kids are exposed to pornography as early as 8 years old. This book helps parents to discuss with their children the importance of protecting their eyes and minds. The books is well-written and is an excellent resource for all families.”

Physician-Scientist, Author, and Speaker

Andrew Doan, MD, PhD


Love, Give, and Serve

When you link arms with PFCO, you help heal our hurting humanity. Remember: “only love can truly save the world” as Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) promised. 10% of purchases go to organizations that combat domestic minor sex trafficking. And, if that’s not your passion, no worries!

We are partnering with B1G1 to donate to transformational causes worldwide. So whether you’re an incurable fanatic about human rights, passionate about parenting, inspired to generate income, concerned about clothing and shelter, enthusiastic about education, happy about health, or excited about the environment there’s a cause for you!